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Gain Muscle and Lose Fat – TT Meatheads IV: Get Lean and Jacked Workout C
Were going to start out with 1 superset and then move into a kettlebell circuit.
Superset #1
Were going to start with Deadlifts paired with a 1-arm standing shoulder press.
For the Deadlifts, position yourself in front of the bar with your feet just about hip width apart. Put your hands on the bar with an overhand grip. Sit back while keeping your chest and head up and the bar is right up against your shins. Stand upright, nice and strong and slowly lower back down for a 1-second pause. Each time you go down, you will rest for 1 full second. Do 8 reps.
For the Shoulder Press, hold the dumbbell at your shoulder with your palm facing toward your head. Drive up and back down for 8 reps on each side. Rest 1 minute and repeat this superset 2 more times.
Superset #2
This is the kettlebell 555, which means there are 555 repetitions in this circuit to finish out workout C.
Start with 100 kettlebell swings. Go as hard as you can, but you can use a lighter kettlebell for this if you need to. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Drive back through your legs and hips and back up. Try not to use the grip too much. Just use your hands as hooks on the kettlebell. You should be getting all of your power through your hips. Do these for 100 reps, breaking them down however you need to do them (50 x 2, 20 x 5).
Next, you will do 100 Prisoner Squats and 50 Stability Ball Jackknifes.
Prisoner Squats:
Position your hands behind your head, elbows back, keeping your head up. Squat down. You will do 100 reps of these, again, breaking them up into different increments if you need to.
Stability Ball Jackknifes:
Position your hands on the floor with your feet on the ball. Use your abs to pull your knees into your chest. You will do 50 reps of these (breaking them up if you need to).
Next, you will move into another set of bodyweight squats and pushups.
For Bodyweight Squats, you can position your arms out in front of you, across your chest or down at your sides. You will do 100 reps (breaking them down into whatever increments work for you).
Next, you will do pushups. Position your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart for 105 reps. Again, break them up into increments if you need to.
Then you will finish the entire workout with another 100 kettlebell swings for a total of 555 reps to finish up the program.
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We’re going to do a lot of different things in this workout starting with the first exercise.
This isn’t your classic superset format. You will be doing dumbbell forward lunges, performing all reps on one side before switching to the other for all reps on that side. You will do these for 8 reps on each side.
Take a minute rest and repeat this set 2 more times for a total of 3 sets.
Next, you will move into a barbell squats and back extensions.
Barbell back squats are next. Your legs will be a little tired from the last set, so you won’t use your maximum weight for these. With the bar positioned at chest height, step underneath it with a relatively close grip (unless you have shoulder mobility problems). Take the bar off the rack and step back with a medium stance with feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your chest up, head forward and up and drop your hips down and back, then drive back up.
For Back Extensions, lie down on the ball with your feet in a shoulder width stance for good support. Position your hands behind your head and keep your chest up as you raise your body up. You can also use a back extension chair if you have access to one.
Rest for 1 minute and repeat that set 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Next, you will move into a kettlebell 500 circuit as the interval portion of this program. You will only do 3 exercises, but you will perform 500 total repetitions.
First, start with kettlebell swings for 200 reps with as few sets and as few rests as possible. If you are a woman, under 18 pounds is a good place to start. If you are a man, and haven’t been training, you can start out with the 18 pounds as well. If you are more advanced, you can use a heavier weight, but be conservative with it if you are starting out.
Start with the kettlebell down at arms length, push your hips back and swing back and up. Drive back and up with your hips. Mental fatigue and your grip may slow you down, but make sure you finish the 200 swings.
Move into a superset of bodyweight squats for 200 and stability ball jackknives for 100 reps.
For Bodyweight Squats, feet are just farther than hip width apart, arms straight out in front of you. Push your hips back as you squat down. Do 200 reps and break them up as needed. You can also break these up into a superset fashion with the Stability Ball Jackknives in as many reps as you can.
For the Stability Ball Jackknives, put your hands on the floor with your feet balanced straight out on the ball. Pull your knees into your chest and back out. You will do a total of 100 reps.
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Page 60 full, illustrated guide aimed specifically at keep and take care of betta fish.
You’ll need…
1) A newspaper
2) Good lighting
3) A comforable outfit that shows off your body and will be able to show off your transformation
4) A measuring tape
5) A scale to take your bodyweight
And that’s pretty much it. Also, make sure to print out your structured workout program so you are ready to get started with a professionally designed workout program.
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>> Click here to download the Turbulence Training 4-week ebook or Click here to download the Turbulence Training Sample Fat Burning Workout.
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The Best Workouts (Fast and Efficient) for Traveling and Hotels
by Mike Geary, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
In a recent article, I gave you some great ideas for ways to eat healthier while traveling.
Today, I want to show you how easy it is to get short but super effective workouts at home or while traveling (if you happen to be in hotels often for business).
The most frequent excuse I get as to why people don’t workout is PERCEIVED lack of time. I emphasize “perceived” because it is just that… it is a false sense of lack of time.
If your body and health is important to you, there is no such thing as lack of time… you will find a way to incorporate a few minutes here and a few minutes there for full body exercises.
I don’t care how busy you are, how many family or work obligations you have, there are always ways to schedule time for yourself to fit in workouts. For years, I used to work 70-hr+ work-weeks and still always fit in regular workouts at least 3-4x a week.
If you think about it, working out hard for 20 minutes, 5 days per week is only 100 minutes… but realize that you have 10,080 minutes of time in every week, so 100 minutes is only 1% of your given time! When you think about it that way, it’s almost ridiculous not to be able to dedicate 1% of your time to your health and fitness.
Remember I’ve said many times that a good workout doesn’t have to be the traditional 60 minute workout that is so common. It’s all about using the max amount of full body movements with a high enough intensity in any given time period… even if that time period for the workout is only 5 or 10 minutes a day.
Like I mentioned the other day, my good friend Ryan Lee has developed a unique software that even designs super-efficient 4-minute workouts for your specific needs that actually get results… You can see what he’s come up with at…
Now back to workouts while traveling…
I know that it can be a challenge sometimes if you travel for business to be able to get decent workouts in at some hotels.
Many hotels don’t even have a gym. Some hotels only have a treadmill in a room the size of a broom closet… And other hotels might have a reasonable gym, but a little lacking on equipment.
In any case, there’s still always ways to get in a good workout. Here are a few options:
•Bodyweight exercises — even if the hotel has no gym at all, you can alternate lunges, bw squats, pushups, and ab exercises in your hotel room. Try 15 minutes of alternating circuits between those and if done with enough intensity, this will do the trick to keep you in great shape even while traveling.
•Exercise bands — These can come in handy while traveling because they’re light and portable, and can add a whole slew of exercises into the mix beyond just bodyweight exercises. You can find exercise bands at amazon
•Stairs — most hotels have flights of stairs. You can actually take 10 or 15 minutes to purposely go to the stairs and do nothing but go up/down the stairs to get a great workout… mix up walking/running the stairs, taking double steps… you can even mix in stairs lunges and other similar things for variety.
•Get outside — even if the hotel has a gym, many times it’s small and stuffy. Instead, get outside! It might be possible to find a park or field nearby, and do 20-30 minutes of wind sprints or hill sprints mixed with bodyweight exercises.
•Maybe even bring a jump rope with you and find a smooth surface to jump rope. Jumping rope is one of the best forms of exercise known to man, but so few people actually do it.
•The hotel gym dumbbells — I’ve noticed that a lot of hotels do have a small set of dumbbells, but they usually only go up to a max of 50 lbs. Even if you’re strong enough to use more than 50 lbs for many exercises, this gives you an opportunity to mix up your routines and do versions of dumbbell exercises that maybe you don’t usually do or different rep ranges with slightly lighter weights. One of my favorite dumbbell exercises – the dumbbell squat & press… works almost every muscle in your entire body with this one combination move… a big time fat burner!
Well, I think that’s enough ideas for today… as you can see, there’s no excuse for letting yourself get out of shape just because you travel a lot on business or have a perceived lack of time.
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Despite common belief by fitness enthusiasts, cardio workouts are NOT effective for fat loss or losing weight long term.
by Craig Ballantyne, Men’s Health Fitness Advisor, Expert Fitness Author – Beyond Cardio Workouts .com
One of the most frustrating sights in the world is watching men and women do the same so-called “fat loss cardio workouts” for months and months without results. It happens more often than it should. In fact, there’s rarely anyone in most gyms who is able to lose weight with long, slow cardio.
Even research from the scientific journal, “Obesity” showed that even when men and women do up to 300 hours of cardio exercise per year, they only lose 4-6 pounds of weight. That just isn’t worth it! No one has time to do 50 hours of cardio in order to lose one pound of weight.
That’s why you need fat loss workouts that are better than cardio. Research and experience proves that interval training (and even high intensity weight training) is better for burning belly fat than long, slow cardio. Plus, interval training workouts are fun, fast, and more enjoyable. You’ll save time, lose more weight, and build a fit, functional body with these fat loss workouts.
Cardio exercise machines are NOT optimal, but if you must…
First, if you are stuck exercising inside a commercial gym for your workout, you can use traditional cardio machines for interval training.
An easy to do interval training program is to do a 5-minute warm-up followed by six intervals of 30-60 seconds of hard exercise, alternated with 60 seconds of easy exercise. Then you cool down for 5 minutes and you’re done. That’s less than half the time that most people spend on machines doing long, slow cardio.
After a warm-up, do a one minute “work interval” where you will exercise harder than normal cardio. After one minute, decrease the intensity all the way down to a cool-down level for one minute. Repeat the hard-easy combo up to 6 times and then finish with a cool down. That is the simplest way to do interval training.
If you normally run at 6 miles per hour on the treadmill for 30 minutes, you can do your first interval workout by running at 7 miles per hour for 1 minute and then walking at 3.5 miles per hour for 2 minutes. That’s a conservative place to start with interval training. You’d repeat that “hard-easy” protocol 6 times in an interval training workout (after a warm-up and followed by a cool-down).
Free Tips for Losing Stomach Fat & Eating Healthier
•Discover the top 12 fat burning foods you didn’t know
•Exercises that burn more fat than cardio
•Also get a free metabolic rate calculator to determine your personal metabolism
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The best cardio machines (if you must use indoor cardio machines) for fast interval training fat loss workouts are the treadmill and stationary cycle. Rowing machines and elliptical (cross-trainers) are ok, but in my experience, the treadmill and bike are best.
Best Alternative Workouts to Traditional Cardio Exercise
Most people enjoy getting out of the gym or doing alternative fat loss interval training workouts (instead of boring cardio workouts inside a stuffy gym). You can use a kettlebell, your bodyweight, a skipping rope, or medicine ball for interval workouts in just a small space in your home or garage. You don’t need to go to a big, fancy, expensive commercial gym to burn fat or get long term weight loss success.
Plus, it’s easier to experiment with different interval training workout programs when you don’t have to deal with intensity settings on cardio machines. After all, it’s next to impossible to do the popular Tabata interval workouts on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical machine.
In the Tabata intervals, you work hard for 20 seconds and then recover for 10 seconds, and you repeat that 8 times. That makes for a fast and effective 4-minute tabata workout, not including warm-up and cool-down. You just can’t do that on a cardio machine, but it works perfectly for kettlebells and medicine ball exercises, as well as bodyweight circuits.
Bodyweight training is the most underappreciated fat loss workout option. Most folks are drawn to fancy equipment, but mostly because the equipment often makes the workout easier. Moving your own bodyweight is tough, and keeps you honest!
In the Turbulence Training bodyweight cardio circuits, you’ll use 6-8 bodyweight exercises, alternating between a lower body exercise and an upper body exercise, before finishing the circuit with a fast total body exercise such as running in place, burpees, or jumps.
In the circuits, you’ll do 6-20 repetitions per exercise depending on your fitness level. Once you complete the circuit, rest for one minute, and then repeat the circuit 1-3 more times. If you are new to bodyweight circuits, just do two total circuits.
The great news is that in most cases, you don’t need a single piece of equipment to do these fat burning bodyweight workouts, so you can do them in a hotel room, your garage, or even in front of the TV.
Now you have lots of fun, fast, effective fat loss workouts that are better than cardio!
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Pet lizard care Guide is a comprehensive beginners guide to owning and caring for a pet lizard.
Superset #1:
Workout A is going to start with a classic exercise from the Turbulence Training Archives called the The Triple Press. This requires you to start in the shoulder press position (seated) and you are going to work your way down the bench into 3 different positions. You want to do 6-8 reps in the first position.
Drop the bench down half way and do another 6 reps. Youve gone to your weakest position to a stronger position.
Next, drop the bench down to the flat (also your strongest) position and do 6 more reps.
Move immediately to the inverted bodyweight rows with an overhand grip. Pull yourself up and squeeze your shoulder blades while keeping the movement nice and controlled.
Superset #2
Well start this superset with pushups. You will do 2 reps short of failure. If you dont know your maximum number, simply stop before you know you are at the end. You dont have to train to failure all the time.
Position your hands in front, slightly wider than shoulder width apart and slowly lower yourself down and drive back up. If you lower yourself slower, your reps will decrease.
Move immediately into barbell rows. Take the bar off of the rack and position your feet just about hip width apart. Push hips back with the bar at arms length and tuck your elbows up as high as you can, squeezing the muscles between your shoulder blades for 8 reps.
Rest and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets
Superset #3
For this upper body blast, were going to pair chin-ups with dips. These are 2 classic bodyweight exercises that dont just work your back and chest, but will work your arms as well.
Perform chin-ups with an underhand grip, slightly narrower than shoulder width apart. Hang down for the start position. Pull yourself up so your chin is above the bar. Lower yourself down in 4-counts, aiming for 6 reps. If you cant pull yourself up, only do the lowering phase. Get a chair or get a boost up and then slowly lower down.
Move immediately into dips. Remember, when you do dips, you will bring your knees up to your chest to move your center of gravity forward. This takes some of the stress off the rotator cuff. Pull your knees up, lean your chest forward, drop for a 3-second count down and drive back up. You will aim for 2 reps short of failure for these.
Abs Superset:
Finish your upper body blast with an abs superset. You wont do any intervals at the end of the workout this time.
The first exercise is a classic Stability Ball Rollout with a 5 second rolling out phase for 10 reps (1 minute to do the set). Stay upright and count down for 5 counts. You will have a nice strong stretch and contract abdominals to come up. You will perform these at a very slow pace.
The last exercise is called a Cross-Body Mountain Climber. You will start these in the pushup position and taking your opposite knee to the opposite elbow, alternating sides. Keep your body in a straight line as much as possible. You will do 10 reps on each side.
Rest and repeat superset 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
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I’m Chris Lopez, certified Turbulence Trainer from
After a bodyweight warm-up, we’ll start with some front squats. Hold the kettlebell tight to your body, drive your hips back while keeping your abs braced and get down low on your squat so that your upper legs break parallel.
The next exercise you will do is around the world. Keep your back straight, your abs and glutes tight and pass the bell from one arm to the other, resisting rotation. It is very important to keep your abs braced and glutes tight because what you are trying to do is pass the bell around without rotating. Keeping your abs braced is key for this exercise. Do this in both directions.
Next you will move into 2-handed swings. Keep your back straight and abs braced. Only use your hips to drive back. Your arms are just along for the ride. Don’t try to lift the kettlebell with your shoulders. This is the proper way to perform 2-handed kettlebell swings.
Next up are overhead reverse lunges. Keep your abs braced. This is a great upper and full body exercise.
Last exercise is a 1-arm swing, doing 5 on each side and alternate this for a total of 15 on each side.
Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started:
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this was first 'discovered' when people with acne came back from a beach holiday with clearer, smoother skin. hmm, the sea salt water must be a natural exfoliating cleanser! and of course it is - it's highly anti-bacterial and exfoliating too, which helps eliminate the acne bacteria as well as leave your skin glowing.
i use a salt water rinse on my face every other evening, which seems to help reduce redness as well as making my skin a more even texture. and the areas where i had broken out are healing over quite nicely. i've been doing this for about two weeks now, and definitely notice an improvement in my skin.
for more success stories and reviews, check out: makeupalley,, healthboards, shimmer kisser, acne under control. the evidence is quite compelling in itself...
it's important to use good salt! don't go using fine table salt or anything, it needs to be good quality sea salt (i use Maldon). then all you need to do is dilute the salt in a little warm water and splash this over your face, or use as a toner with a cotton wool pad. leave it for 10-15 minutes before you apply your moisturiser. it may feel a little tingly, and be quite uncomfortable on open wounds (try to avoid this if you have sensitive skin) but that's just it working properly.
? you could also try: adding a cupful of salt to your regular bath if you have body acne, making a scrub of salt mixed with honey, making a paste with a little water and using it as a spot treatment.
of course, if you have access to the actual sea itself, go swimming in that instead!
According To Yasmin Mansoor
1. fried food
Fried food is always a large number of oils and fats, which are harmful to the health of the stomach and intestines. Also, are you suffering from inflammation of the intestines, special attention should be paid from the hands of fried dishes. In other cases, you can easily lead to nausea or diarrhea, thus exacerbating the disease.
2. spicy cuisine
Chilli or pepper to taste delicious taste to food. At the same time, however, can interfere with the esophagus and then also lead people feeling heartburn. For this reason, if you have some stomach and intestinal diseases "(d) better into the hands of spicy food, it is possible.
3. sugar onions
Food, such as onions, garlic, leeks and breast contains a large quantity of plant compounds. Plants, protection of the heart is identifiable, but some may cause abdominal pain. By way of cooking can be introduced in these harmful compounds. For this reason, the stomach and intestines, health eating raw onions.
4. broccoli and cabbage
Broccoli and cabbage contains fiber and nutrients, so there is no reason to suspect that they are very healthy vegetables. If you have some stomach and intestinal diseases should eat broccoli or cabbage, are due to the fact that these two types of vegetables produces a lot of gas, which can cause bloating and lifting damages up to the stomach.
5. ice cream
If you are allergic to lactose, must be kept separate from the ice cream. Is it better to eat ice cream, which contains the entire contents. Nevertheless, even in the event that you are allergic to lactose, also should eat so much ice cream. It is due to the high content of fat, which not only to ensure the people fat, but may also lead to abdominal pain, or even contractions of the stomach.
6. Peach
Peaches contains a large quantity of iron, peach, food is the potential role of prevention and treatment of anemia so often. In addition, in the pectin fisheries can prevent constipation. Despite the fact that the nature, fishing, is in hot can cause a feeling that people are, however, readily available. The Panel noted that some patients who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g., chronic stomach) should be kept separately from fishing. In other cases, it may lead to diarrhea, or abdominal Torresovo and thereby aggravate the disease.
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