Monday 23 May 2011

Six different foods, which are harmful to the stomach and intestines

According To Yasmin Mansoor

1. fried food

Fried food is always a large number of oils and fats, which are harmful to the health of the stomach and intestines. Also, are you suffering from inflammation of the intestines, special attention should be paid from the hands of fried dishes. In other cases, you can easily lead to nausea or diarrhea, thus exacerbating the disease.

2. spicy cuisine

Chilli or pepper to taste delicious taste to food. At the same time, however, can interfere with the esophagus and then also lead people feeling heartburn. For this reason, if you have some stomach and intestinal diseases "(d) better into the hands of spicy food, it is possible.

3. sugar onions

Food, such as onions, garlic, leeks and breast contains a large quantity of plant compounds. Plants, protection of the heart is identifiable, but some may cause abdominal pain. By way of cooking can be introduced in these harmful compounds. For this reason, the stomach and intestines, health eating raw onions.

4. broccoli and cabbage

Broccoli and cabbage contains fiber and nutrients, so there is no reason to suspect that they are very healthy vegetables. If you have some stomach and intestinal diseases should eat broccoli or cabbage, are due to the fact that these two types of vegetables produces a lot of gas, which can cause bloating and lifting damages up to the stomach.

5. ice cream

If you are allergic to lactose, must be kept separate from the ice cream. Is it better to eat ice cream, which contains the entire contents. Nevertheless, even in the event that you are allergic to lactose, also should eat so much ice cream. It is due to the high content of fat, which not only to ensure the people fat, but may also lead to abdominal pain, or even contractions of the stomach.

6. Peach

Peaches contains a large quantity of iron, peach, food is the potential role of prevention and treatment of anemia so often. In addition, in the pectin fisheries can prevent constipation. Despite the fact that the nature, fishing, is in hot can cause a feeling that people are, however, readily available. The Panel noted that some patients who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g., chronic stomach) should be kept separately from fishing. In other cases, it may lead to diarrhea, or abdominal Torresovo and thereby aggravate the disease.

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