Wednesday 22 June 2011

Skin-care diet of enemies better leather


If there was a bad week-or perhaps a bad month. Would you work overtime child undergoes a difficult stage, the eyes of your boyfriend, your boss began roaming seems to hate you, you have insomnia. In other words, your life is going smoothly, feel down more than ever. Chances are some pimples clearly has since your life went so wild. How do you know this? What do you think my whose faces when I feel vmiozaim?

The reason is simple: poor skin when the body is under stress, it releases hormones in the adrenal glands, usually called "stress hormones". These hormones produce some changes in the skin, including breakouts, oily patches, dry patches sallowness, dark circles under his eyes and rashes. Of course, you cannot avoid all forms of stress, but you can learn how to deal with them. Deep breathing, visualization, a professional massage or spa-vmaaichot or even at night to help relieve some tension.

Exercise boosts blood cycle, which in turn provides oxygen rich blood to the surface of the skin. Short-term result is a beautiful glow. According to some experts in skin care, long term benefit of exercise is the elasticity of the skin improving new cell growth and more efficient.

Rough treatment

As flexible as the skin, also has a gentle side. Treatment of aggressive disable skin appear worn and old, simply abused. What to be rough treatment? Picking pimples, which can cause scars; Using hot water too, which you can break the small capillaries and dry skin; Released on the skin, which can decompose the collagen fibers, elastin, lead slackness; And severe skin care products, which can cause sensitivities, the redness.

Skin, your diet

Severe hnapa the calorie diets and nutrients or harmless to the skin, so they are eating habits include plenty of fast food spoiling ur correct. The following is a summary of common nutritional mhsorim, how they affect GON:

Lack of protein may lead to dry, dull skin, poor wound healing.

Lack of iron can cause the skin pale.

Lack of vitamin a can produce dry skin or unexplained outbreaks.

The problematic aspect of vitamin b can cause cracks in the corners of the mouth, unexplained outbreaks, wound healing, vision pallor.

Lack of vitamin c can cause a poor wound healing, easy bruising.

Lack of vitamin-e can lead to poor wound healing to dry skin.

Lack of vitamin k can cause the capillaries face weak, broken or distended.

Read more Lipsensethesenegence lipsense.

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